# Why this project ?
I know that there are a lot of PHP frameworks available, but I wanted to build one, I made this for learning and challenging myself, but end up with a nice project which is understandable, hackable and easy to use, so I decide to update and update this project to make it available for everybody.
# Does this project follows the good practices ?
This projects implements:
- PSR-12 coding style
- PSR-4 autoloading
- PSR-11 container
- Security implementations
- Coding patterns (MVC)
- Clean code
- Dependency injection (SOLID)
- Single responsibility principle (SOLID)
- Composer for PHP libraries
- NPM for the JS libraries
- Eslint for parsing JS code (CI with github actions)
- PHPCS for parsing PHP code (CI with github actions)
- Git Bug/feature template
- Editor config included
- Simple php.ini config included
- Error handler
- PHPDoc included ...