# Light-PHP

# Introduction

Light-php Light PHP it's an open-source minimal PHP framework that only includes what's necessary, avoiding big and complex structures, yet capable of building big and fully-featured API/Websites.
It's advantages from others frameworks are the small learning curve, possibility to start working without reading massive documentations and it's easy to understand how the framework works and being able to modify its original behavior.

This project includes the PSR-0, PSR-1, PSR-4, PSR-11, PSR-12 standards, good coding practices, MVC structure, service container and much more!

More info Github project (opens new window)

# Top features

  • Minimal framework, only includes what's necessary
  • Small learning curve
  • MVC structure
  • Possible to read and modify its original behavior
  • Security implementations out of the box
  • Integrated with Npm and Composer
  • Much more!
