# Routing

Light-PHP provides a simple routing system, it consist in put the controller's function to be executed in the route GET parameter, like this:

Where the route value means the folder, then the controller class name and then the method (Module/Controller/Method) in this case the:

product Module folder
price priceController class
showPrice showPrice() method

# Examples


Method: infoController->welcome()
File: src/info/controller/infoController
Class: infoController


Method: productController->showProductInfo()
File: src/product/controller/productController
Class: productController

# Custom Urls

In case you want to define seo-friendly urls, you can define them in system/config/routes.php
For every custom url is associated a method from one controller class.

$routes = array();
$routes["/"] = "info/info/welcome" 
$routes["/welcome"] = "info/info/welcome"  
$routes["/product"] = "product/product/showProductInfo"
$routes["/product_price"] = "product/price/showPrice"

With this, yourdomain.com/welcome will execute info/infoController->welcome()